The Film Kältefieber (cold fever) by Elena V. Poddubnaja and Oliver Schmidt on the road to success.

Two years after their return to bicycle expeditions, they now impress viewers and touring enthusiasts alike with their new film. The film shows their adventurous worlwide bicycle tour through ice and snow. The moving pictures full of impressions tell a story of two extreme athletes who travel through russia on the trail of Wilhelm Stellers.

Their route takes them along the northern Polar circle, over the bering strait and finally through North America. The two adventurers had to travel 33,000 Kilometers completely dependant upon their equipment and their bicycles. Each of them had a Rotor Komet equiped with a Rohloff SPEEDHUB as their trusted companion. Throughout the tour the SPEEDHUBs were once again put through an extreme durability test where once again the hub had to proove its worth.

The unique, breathless film is sure to wake the travel bug and the interest of discovery in all its viewers.

This is repeatedly confirmed by the number of victories that the film takes at various film festivals. At the beginning of this year the film asserted itself at the Opens external link in new windowWeltsichten Festival. At the Opens external link in new windowEl Mundo Film Festival in Austria the Jury voted for „Kältefieber“ as the best adventure film. Even at the Opens external link in new windowLichtbildarena in Jena the Film won its class. Last but not least the film won the Opens external link in new windowBergsichten Film Festival in Dresden with its contribution, the film may now mystify the audience next year with a one hour  slide show. The two adventure cyclists will be travelling from festival to festival in the near future to tell their fantastic story. Further information over their upcoming schedule can be found under Opens external link in new


Oliver Schmidt (Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 Sponsoring)