Renewed Bike finder with updated Rohloff bike variety online!

We now have a revised version of our popular "Bike finder", which reaches approx. 20.000 customers each month. In the renewed "Bike finder" a variety of the available bicycles on the market completed with a Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14 is displayed. To find the fitting bike the variety of bikes in the  "Bike finder" can be limited via the category choice or the text window. This way the customer has a good overview about the variety of bicycles available on the market. New is the category "Frames", where all possible frame types for the SPEEDHUB 500/14 are taken in. All photos ar of brillant quality, so any detail is shown to its best advantage. 

The new "Bike finder" is meant as a charge free platform to all manufacturers who would like to present their offered bikes equipped with our SPEEDHUB 500/14. The information of the bikes can be transfered via follwing form.



Euer Doc Rohloff Team