5,100 Euro Bid goes to "Ärzte ohne Grenzen"

Whoever had an eye on the auction right from the start could easily imagine the 24 carat gold plated Rohloff Speedhub 500/14 was priced much higherthan the usual  list price. The Ebay auction was clicked on a total of 6677 times and the SPEEDHUB finally went under the hammer for the sum of 5,100 €. The highest bid was made by an Englishman from the ledgendary "Isle of Man". We are very glad about the interest shown in this matter especially from the amount of world interest.


Peter Smolka and the Rohloff Company are very satisfied with the auction. They are glad about the high amount which can now be presented to the charity organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen (Doctors without limits). In this time of global economic crisis, charity organisations are more than ever in need of support from others. Both the Rohloff AG and Peter Smolka give thanks to every one who took part in the auction, to all supporters and to Rudolph Scharping, the patron and also president of the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer (German Cycists Club).