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Read up on product developments on and around the Rohloff-SPEEDHUB. Check out whats new at the Rohloff headquarters . Read up on the next anticipated installment from your favorite touring cyclist. Experience the E-bike boom first hand through our eyes. Be amazed by new records. Be informed.


Bike book made from the German language sites of Wikipedia

Made from the German-language part of the free Wikipedia encyclopedia in the Wikipress publishing house a book appeared concerning the bicycle technology (technology, types, practice). Under the direction of Ralf Roletschek and…


Now all our videos are available in the download area

Now all our videos are available in the download area in an online version. In order to be able to play the videos, the Flashplayer must be installed in the Browser! The film large is between 3 and 25 MB. For a…


Now all our videos are available in the download area

Now all our videos are available in the download area in an online version. In order to be able to play the videos, the Flashplayer must be installed in the Browser! The film large is between 3 and 25 MB. For a…


Now all our videos are available in the download area

Now all our videos are available in the download area in an online version. In order to be able to play the videos, the Flashplayer must be installed in the Browser! The film large is between 3 and 25 MB. For a…


Now all our videos are available in the download area

Now all our videos are available in the download area in an online version. In order to be able to play the videos, the Flashplayer must be installed in the Browser! The film large is between 3 and 25 MB. For a…


Now all our videos are available in the download area

Now all our videos are available in the download area in an online version. In order to be able to play the videos, the Flashplayer must be installed in the Browser! The film large is between 3 and 25 MB. For a…

Thomas Muhler und Team (Rohloff Sponsoring)

Thomas Muhler arrives in Tuktoyaktuk

Thomas Muhler arrives at minus 46°C in Tuktoyaktuk at the polarsea  After 14 days riding through the icy hell of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada the 43 years old business man from Frankfurt/Germany, Thomas…

Thomas Muhler und Team (Rohloff Sponsoring)

Thomas Muhler arrives in Tuktoyaktuk

Thomas Muhler arrives at minus 46°C in Tuktoyaktuk at the polarsea  After 14 days riding through the icy hell of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada the 43 years old business man from Frankfurt/Germany, Thomas…

Thomas Muhler und Team (Rohloff Sponsoring)

Thomas Muhler arrives in Tuktoyaktuk

Thomas Muhler arrives at minus 46°C in Tuktoyaktuk at the polarsea  After 14 days riding through the icy hell of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada the 43 years old business man from Frankfurt/Germany, Thomas…

Thomas Muhler und Team (Rohloff Sponsoring)

Thomas Muhler arrives in Tuktoyaktuk

Thomas Muhler arrives at minus 46°C in Tuktoyaktuk at the polarsea  After 14 days riding through the icy hell of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada the 43 years old business man from Frankfurt/Germany, Thomas…

Thomas Muhler und Team (Rohloff Sponsoring)

Thomas Muhler arrives in Tuktoyaktuk

Thomas Muhler arrives at minus 46°C in Tuktoyaktuk at the polarsea  After 14 days riding through the icy hell of the Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada the 43 years old business man from Frankfurt/Germany, Thomas…

Thomas Muhler Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14

Aufbruch ans Polarmeer - auf dem Dempster Highway im Nirgendwo

Nach genau einer Woche erreicht Thomas Muhler auf seiner 1.600 Kilometer langen Mountainbike-Expedition von Whitehorse nach Tuktoyaktuk gut 90 Kilometer hinter den faszinierenden Tombstone Mountains den heißersehnten…

Thomas Muhler Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14

Aufbruch ans Polarmeer - auf dem Dempster Highway im Nirgendwo

Nach genau einer Woche erreicht Thomas Muhler auf seiner 1.600 Kilometer langen Mountainbike-Expedition von Whitehorse nach Tuktoyaktuk gut 90 Kilometer hinter den faszinierenden Tombstone Mountains den heißersehnten…

Thomas Muhler Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14

Aufbruch ans Polarmeer - auf dem Dempster Highway im Nirgendwo

Nach genau einer Woche erreicht Thomas Muhler auf seiner 1.600 Kilometer langen Mountainbike-Expedition von Whitehorse nach Tuktoyaktuk gut 90 Kilometer hinter den faszinierenden Tombstone Mountains den heißersehnten…

Thomas Muhler Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14

Aufbruch ans Polarmeer - auf dem Dempster Highway im Nirgendwo

Nach genau einer Woche erreicht Thomas Muhler auf seiner 1.600 Kilometer langen Mountainbike-Expedition von Whitehorse nach Tuktoyaktuk gut 90 Kilometer hinter den faszinierenden Tombstone Mountains den heißersehnten…

Thomas Muhler Rohloff SPEEDHUB 500/14

Aufbruch ans Polarmeer - auf dem Dempster Highway im Nirgendwo

Nach genau einer Woche erreicht Thomas Muhler auf seiner 1.600 Kilometer langen Mountainbike-Expedition von Whitehorse nach Tuktoyaktuk gut 90 Kilometer hinter den faszinierenden Tombstone Mountains den heißersehnten…

Thomas Muhler (Rohloff Sponsoring Extrem)

Thomas Muhler - First report from the Yukon

Thomas Muhler - Bike Expedition to the far end of the world Base camp Whitehorse - Borderland to the wilderness, gate to endless liberty You 're not sure about what kind of adventure you will get involved in with the „Arctic…

Thomas Muhler (Rohloff Sponsoring Extrem)

Thomas Muhler - First report from the Yukon

Thomas Muhler - Bike Expedition to the far end of the world Base camp Whitehorse - Borderland to the wilderness, gate to endless liberty You 're not sure about what kind of adventure you will get involved in with the „Arctic…